Redesigning Civilization  


We are redesigning the way civilization can function. With recent breakthroughs in technologies like cryptocurrency, blockchain, and encryption a new hope for lasting decentralization has emerged. Carried within the code, math, and protocols of these new technologies is the promise of a revolution.   

At Solvocracy we believe that together our potential is limitless and that with the power of consensus we will find unity. We are collecting and developing a suite of protocols. Combined, these protocols will create a platform with the ability to solve and create almost anything. It will have the ability to self govern and recreate itself in a multitude of variations. It will be a new way of doing business and creating new businesses. Solvocracy is an ambitious project and we know it.

Unity is at the heart of Solvocracy's design. Because of Solvocracy's great potential as a governance platform it is imperative that it is not "owned". This means that Solvocracy can not be built or funded in the traditional method of raising venture capital. It must be designed and built collaboratively and by consensus. We must work together to find the best solutions and then enact them. Our intention is to use as close to the same governance and consensus principles that will we will be using in the final platform. Unfortunately this creates the classic chicken and egg scenario and because we don't have Solvocracy to build Solvocracy, we will need to do the best we can.   

Solvocracy's design thus far is based on a suite of wireframes and protocols created by Abel Patten. Abel's work in designing Solvocracy is extensive but it is by no means complete. We believe that to be truly revolutionary Solvocracy must be a collaboration. It is possible that if we were to build Solvocracy as it is designed by Abel that it would function as it was intended to and birth a new form of civilization based on collaboration. That said it doesn't account for all fringe use cases, nor is it complete. It is meant to be a proposed solution for a new way to function as a civilization and it is meant to be able to adapt and learn.

What Solvocracy needs now is scrutiny. It needs professional programers, mathematicians, game theorists, analysts, businessmen, branding, marketing, psychologists and visionaries to scrutinize and build on top of what has already been created. So how do we fairly track and reward the contributions required to build Solvocracy? Once again we are in the chicken and egg scenario as this is exactly what Solvocracy is designed to do.  

     We feel that the open source community is clearly the environment to launch a movement such as Solvocracy. As soon as they are completed we will publish the wireframes, protocols, business plan and a white paper publicly. Until then we are tracking the contributions of participants manually. If you would like to participate in the Solvocracy community please follow the Get Involved link.  



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