Building Community

If you are interested in finding out more or participating please follow the link below and tell us about yourself.  

What you can expect   

In the short term we are manually tracking participation and contributions. Soon we will test Backfeed's "Decentralized Value System" to see if it can be used temporarily. In the long term we will use our own Voting and Value System to track contributions and award Tokens, and Influence.

Contributions will eventually be rewarded in the form of a token. This token will gain value as the platform gains value. The Tokens will be able to be traded or used to mint Solvocracy Coins. The exact details of how to do this is still under consideration and will be published upon completion.  

Until we publish the wireframes, protocols, and white paper we will be building our community on a case by case basis. We will also be asking all members to sign an NDA and validate that they are who they claim. We regret the need for these precautions and hope they don't dissuade you from joining us.     

What we're looking for

Although any new perspective may lead to new insight, we are not yet prepared to process general or unfocused input. With that said our intention is to build a community that is active and focused. We especially have use for experienced: programers (particularly in solidity and/or with blockchain knowledge), mathematicians, cryptographers, game theorists, analysts, entrepreneurs, branding/marketing specialists, project managers, psychologists and visionaries.        



Join Solvocracy

To join Solvocracy pleas follow the Contact us link below and tell us a bit about yourself