Solvocracy is an ambitious project with the audacity to reimagine new integrated and transparent forms of governance, business, problem solving, and collaboration. We believe that it is not only possible but inevitable that with the use of technologies like cryptography, blockchain, peer to peer networking, and smart contracts many elements of our society will be revolutionized. In fact, it has already begun and many groups across the world have been working tirelessly to rethink how a society should function. The quest for decentralization has become a passion for those of us who acknowledge the vast imbalance of power and wealth. We believe the way forward is not to fix the broken pieces but to completely redesign and rethink how it can work. Solvocracy's ultimate goal is to build a platform not only capable of collaborative management and governance but capable of organizing our collective human intelligence into a singular intelligence with the ability to accurately represent our collective will. Why dream small?

Our Mission

  1. To provide a secure decentralized platform with all the tools to collaboratively identify problems, create solutions, and manifest the best solutions into reality.

  2. Using consensus to represent the interests of all people, free from prejudice.

  3. To make Solvocracy available to as many people as possible.

  4. To create trust through accountability and transparency.   

  5. To develop an efficient, functional, and collaborative society.

Each "Solution" or anything that is being decided on or created within the business of Solvocracy will be voted on by consensus. In this voting process each question below must earn either an N/A or above 70% approval in order to move to the "Let's Do It" (LDI) phase and be enacted. 

  1. Does this benefit the many over the few?

  2. Have all parties been given equal notification and opportunity to participate?

  3. Will this have a net positive effect on the planet and its inhabitants?

  4. Does this represent a fair and equally distributed, reward and/or penalty opportunity for all parties?

  5. Will this have a net positive effect on Solvocracy as a whole?